You are viewing documentation for Kubeflow 1.7

This is a static snapshot from the time of the Kubeflow 1.7 release.
For up-to-date information, see the latest version.


Problems and solutions for common problems with Kubeflow Notebooks

ISSUE: notebook not starting

SOLUTION: check events of Notebook

Run the following command then check the events section to make sure that there are no errors:

kubectl describe notebooks "${MY_NOTEBOOK_NAME}" --namespace "${MY_PROFILE_NAMESPACE}"

SOLUTION: check events of Pod

Run the following command then check the events section to make sure that there are no errors:

kubectl describe pod "${MY_NOTEBOOK_NAME}-0" --namespace "${MY_PROFILE_NAMESPACE}"

SOLUTION: check YAML of Pod

Run the following command and check the Pod YAML looks as expected:

kubectl get pod "${MY_NOTEBOOK_NAME}-0" --namespace "${MY_PROFILE_NAMESPACE}" -o yaml

SOLUTION: check logs of Pod

Run the following command to get the logs from the Pod:

kubectl logs "${MY_NOTEBOOK_NAME}-0" --namespace "${MY_PROFILE_NAMESPACE}"

ISSUE: manually delete notebook

SOLUTION: use kubectl to delete Notebook resource

Run the following command to delete a Notebook resource manually:

kubectl delete notebook "${MY_NOTEBOOK_NAME}" --namespace "${MY_PROFILE_NAMESPACE}"


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Last modified November 19, 2021: update `Kubeflow Notebooks` docs (#3003) (5ad6019)